Ask Politely #54
Last week's feature on Seaboat has us wondering: Where's the best place to get friend chicken in C-U?
Last week's feature on Seaboat has us wondering: Where's the best place to get friend chicken in C-U?
Last week's conversation surrounding the Spalding Pool got us interested and talking about the price of entry to community pools.
Champaign may overturn an ordinance barring backyard chicken coops. We want to hear your thoughts on the topic.
Sadly, today is the last day Wonderdogs is in business, which leads us to our Ask Politely question this week for our readers.
Earlier this week, we delved into The News-Gazette paywall situation, which inspires this week's question.
This week, we take a look at the expansion of Common Ground Food Co-op to Champaign. It's going to happen, but where? We're asking you what you think.
Well, what else could today's question be?
In 2008, our first full year of publishing Smile Politely, we had a tradition of asking our readers a question to answer as the weekend began. In 2013, we're bringing it back, and starting with the same question we initially asked: What can we do to improve?
You tell us: What topics matter to you in 2009?
Unless you’ve spent the last week on a vision quest in the Australian Outback, you have no doubt heard that Blago was caught trying to sell President-elect Obama’s Senate seat. In some ways, we could …