Smile Politely

Today on SP Radio: Parasol Records

Long-time keepers of the scene and one of the last bastions for indie music shoppers, Parasol Records will be suspending its mail order business and brick & mortar record store operations as of Saturday, December 17. We’ll recollect all the good times and talk about the future of the label side of the biz (which will still be going strong) today with Jim Kelly, Parasol’s label manager/PR specialist/jack-of-all trades. He joins us in the studio to discuss the reasons for the change in operations, its impact on local and national music distribution, and everything the business has meant to him and to the community over the years.

The store is currently offering steep discounts on merchandise and will be hosting a Whimper vs. Bang concert next Saturday from noon until 3 p.m.

Smile Politely Radio airs locally on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, Fridays at 5:30 p.m. The podcast is available on the website and iTunes the following Tuesday.

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