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City of Champaign is accepting more applications for COVID relief grant

Businesses seeking reimbursement for expenses related to COVID-19 have another opportunity to apply for the City of Champaign’s Economic Support Program. According to the press release: “Grant funds can be used to reimburse businesses that purchased equipment or supplies to protect their customers and employees and to facilitate their continued safe operations during the pandemic.”

The city is giving reimbursments of up to $10,000 for expenses between March 1st and December 30th of 2020, and will be prioritizing businesses most impacted.

This program continues to prioritize businesses most impacted by the pandemic through a ranking system. Hospitality businesses (including food and beverage, lodging, and event venues) will receive 5 points, retail or service businesses (including clothing, grocery, salons, fitness, and medical) will receive 4 points, and office or industrial businesses (including insurance, law, warehouse, and distribution) will receive 3 points. Additionally, businesses that can document they were closed during the reimbursement period with zero revenue for 31 or more days will receive an additional 2 points, and those closed with zero revenue for  less than 31 days will receive 1 additional point. Qualifying grant applicants with the highest scores will be processed first and payments will follow the same ranking.

Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on May 26th. 

Top photo by Anna Longworth.

Staff writer

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