Black Girl Genius Week was created by Saving Our Lives Hear Our Truths (SOLHOT), an organization created by UIUC Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown with the mission to create “a space to celebrate Black girlhood in all of its complexity with Black girls and those who love and support us.” BGGW brings that mission to select cities throughout the U.S.
There are several events happening at Krannert Art Museum and the School of Art+Design this week, beginning tonight:
On Girlhood: Gathering, Collection and Care
October 8th, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Art+Design BLOC Gallery, Room 114
Join artists Jen Everett, Denise Maurice, and Blair Ebony Smith in conversation and art making.
During this conversation, the artists will discuss their creative practice in the context of collection and arrangement, inviting visitors and attendees to browse her personal collection of inherited and found photographs and other objects to consider the ways that everyday Black folks have used these collections as a way to transmit knowledge, enact care, and cultivate beauty and joy in the face of rupture and structural limitation.
Opening Night Party: Black Girls are Forever!
October 9th, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Lower Level, Hood Classroom
The short film, “Cherish: A Love Letter To Gwendolyn Brooks” (from Ruth Nicole Brown in the spirit of SOLHOT) will be projected in the exhibition while on view through October 31.
To follow will be short artist talks from SOLHOT’s girl band We Levitate featuring Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown, Jessica Robinson, Dr. Porshe’ R. Garner, and Dr. Blair Ebony Smith. Food, music, laughter and serious dance and play in celebration of Black girlhood to follow.
Nia Movement & Restorative Yoga
October 10th, 9 to 10 a.m.
Art+Design BLOC Gallery, Room 114
Join us in the Art + Design building for Nia Movement and Restorative Yoga, where Bethamie Wyatt will lead participants in moving energy through the body for optimal health and wellbeing.
October 11th, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Art+Design BLOC Gallery, Room 114
Join Blair Ebony Smith (lovenloops) and Richmond-based artist, ShaTisha Hardy for a conversation and sound-making workshop in the BLOC Gallery.
An exhibition of art works, film, music and photography made in and because of SOLHOT will be on display at KAM through October 31st.
Photo from SOLHOT’s Facebook page