Smile Politely

BEST Cultural Advocate of the decade: Sam Smith of Krannert Center

From our BEST Culture of the decade feature:

The list of things that Sam Smith does here and abroad is astounding. When he’s not bridging the gaps in Champaign-Urbana’s long history of campus / community divides through his work at Krannert Center, he’s spending time in Sierra Leone working through Rotary to bring fresh water to underserved communities. When he’s not serving on the Board of the University YMCA, he’s assisting youth in the community bringing arts engagement and opportunity to those who need it the most.

Fact is, work like this is often difficult, and requires the patience of a lion. Sam embodies everything we love about Champaign-Urbana. He works diligently, and frequently. His presence is inside of activations and organizations without consideration for recognition. And above all, he is a genuinely warm spirit. Spend five minutes listening to him speak about what he does, and you will see what I mean. (Seth Fein)

Photo by Alisa Greene

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