Jai Chakrabarti, award winning author of the novel A Play for the End of the World, will be doing a reading at the Asian American Cultural Center on March 3rd at 4 p.m. It will be a hybrid event, so you can attend in person (and enjoy free refreshments) or register to attend via Zoom. There will be a moderated discussion after.
Chakrabarti won the National Jewish Book Award’s Goldberg Prize for Debut Fiction, and was one of Oprah Daily’s “30 of the Best Fall Books of 2021 to Cuddle Up With”.
The event is hosted by the International and Area Studies Library and Asian American Cultural Center, with support from the Humanities Research Institute, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the Program in Comparative and World Literature, the Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, and the Center for Global Studies.
Top photo from jaichakrabarti.com.