Smile Politely

After improbable Illini win, Mayor Gerard gets the last laugh

Say what you will about the fact that Gerard hasn’t raised one red cent for his campaign this quarter. Or make fun of him for his peculiar social moments during his tenure as Mayor, both on social media, and at the park that one day when that one dude picked a fight with him about jack shit.

The man knows how to wield his Qwerty Keyboard on the ol’ Blackberry. And some times, the right people take notice and play along.

How’s this? 

Or more than that, a full on endorsement from Dakich himself? Sure, why not:

Who wins the Mayoral race is anyone’s guess I suppose, but you can’t call the incumbent boring. And that’s not bad. 

Credit to @Mickey_Schaefer on Twitter for the photo. 

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