Smile Politely

Twilight on the Quad, symphony style

On Thursday, July 16th, the University of Illinois Summer Band gathered on the north end of the Quad just after 7 p.m. behind the Illini Union to perform for quite a large crowd. While their previous concert in June fell victim to poor weather and had to be moved inside, this time things went off without a hitch. The weather was warm without being uncomfortable, and a periodic breeze ensured that those who were listening had a pleasant evening. Professor Barry L. Houser was the main conductor, starting off the night with a wonderful orchestral version of the National Anthem before the all volunteer band moved through various musical numbers both classical and modern, even including a circus march tune complete with slide whistle and horn. All too soon the evening was over, ending with a traditional Illini song that had people rising to their feet to clap along.

The summer concerts may be over, but you can check the Illinois Bands website here to look for future special events and check their calendar.

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