Smile Politely


Year of the Park, A to Z: Commissioners Park, Champaign

Brand spankin' new Commissioner's Park is a speculative job based on the idea that people are going to keep buying McMansions and making poor choices with their inheritance or investments. Also, a note on Judah Christian School, because it's worth making sure someone who works there or sends their kids there knows how Seth feels about it. 

Year of the Park, A to Z: Burwash Park, Savoy

Burwash Park is home to a playground, a small baseball diamond, a sand volleyball court, and more. It serves as a big space to spend some time with friends and family. Here's a good park in Savoy. Enjoy it! 

Year of the Park, A to Z: Stampofski Park, Champaign

Here it is! The smallest park in Champaign-Urbana, Stampofski Park is so small you wouldn't even know it was a park unless you were writing a series about parks and saw it and said “Holy shit, that's a park?” Yep. It is a park.

Year of the Park, A to Z: Prairie Park, Urbana

Prairie Park in east Urbana is mostly forgettable, but serves its purpose, and plays host to a decent baseball diamond that features actual dirt in the batter's box and on the pitching mound. That's worth something, anyhow. 

Year of the Park, A to Z: McCollum Park, Champaign

The McCollum family changed Champaign and changed the nation. We honored them with a strip of grass next to a major railroad that no well person would ever go hang around. Plus: mythbusters, Traffic Tickets and Drug Charges Edition!