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#Urbanalove Movie Nights announces IndieGoGo campaign

Short Summary

Urbanalove’s Summer Movie Nights has gathered over 3000 individuals to enjoy outdoor movies in downtown Urbana. Over the past two years, a small group of volunteers has worked to raise funds, plan, and produce an annual event that showcases family-friendly movies in the summer. Entering our third year we are excited to invite you into the process of making these movie nights happen! We are raising money specifically to secure movie permits, acquire a dedicated speaker system, obtain proper insurance for the event to take place, and to ensure that it remains FREE and open to all! We hope that you will join us in continuing to build this community event that brings together young and old and to celebrate what’s great about downtown Urbana in the summer. You can help us by donating and by spreading the word about our fundraiser to friends, family, neighbors and local businesses.

The Impact

Urbanalove has a simple focus of discovering and sharing all things happening in Urbana. Our Summer Movie Nights are a fun way to experience downtown, and also a throwback to one of Urbana’s most notable residents, movie critic Roger Ebert! Roger spent his childhood in downtown Urbana (see link below), and like Ebert, we believe movies are something we can all enjoy together. As we enter into our third year, we hope to carry on a little bit of this history and the joy of watching movies outside. For our screening location, we have specifically chosen the former home of the Hudson Dairy on Race Street (129 N. Race St.), which was frequented by Roger and his friends for its famous chocolate malts!

Risks & Challenges

We have an amazing team of organizers and volunteers committed to making Summer Movie Nights a success and we do our best to plan for evenings that are warm and dry. However, because these are outdoor events, we recognize that weather may prevent us from showing movies as scheduled.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you have enjoyed any of our movie nights or are excited about supporting community events in downtown Urbana, we strongly encourage you to select one of the donation levels below. For those of you who cannot give, please help us spread the word using the Indiegogo share tools.

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