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Unit 4 Schools announces distance learning through first quarter of fall semester

From the press release:


“The health, wellness, and safety of our Unit 4 Community is one of our top priorities, especially now.  As we continue to receive feedback, we’ve made the difficult decision to engage in Distance Learning through the first quarter of the 2020–21 school year.

“We fully recognize that this may be distressing news for many students and families but we’re here to provide support and guidance as we also learn to adapt to this new learning framework.

“During this Distance Learning period, we’ll continue to assess the state of COVID-19. By the end of September, we’ll make another decision whether to continue Distance Learning when the second quarter begins on October 19th or begin to transition to In-Person Learning.

“We understand that the next several weeks will feel overwhelming. We also must acknowledge that our most vulnerable students will need us to support equitable access to Distance Learning.  Addressing these inequities is critical, and we’re committed to ensuring access for all students.

“As our re-entry plan is implemented, then develops into an everyday routine, we will face difficult challenges that require innovative problem solving and agile leadership. Through all of it, we will keep our Unit 4 community informed.  Because, above all, we’re powerfully committed to providing the guidance, knowledge, skills—and safety—for all students to succeed.”

-Dr. Susan Zola, Superintendent, Champaign Unit 4 Schools

Top image by Jess Hammie.

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