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Triptych has provided some updated parking tips for visiting the brewery

I’ve had this issue when visiting Triptych, and it seems as though others have run into it (er… driven into it?) as well. They’ve provided some new info about where to park at the brewery when you visit. 

With the expansion of the brewery to include the space across the street — that has opened up a lot of extra parking. Our friends at Triptych have provided this diagram to help you out, as per their Facebook post below, and check out the info on their website:

Ugh, the parking lot is full! Where can I park?

If the parking lot immediately south of the brewery is full, feel free to park in the parking lot of our second facility across the street at 1704 Woodfield Drive. If that lot is also full, street parking on the east side of Woodfield Drive is also permissible. If it is after 6pm, you can also park at the Dentist office immediately north of the brewery.

Triptych is located at 1703 Woodfield Drive in Savoy.

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