Smile Politely

Today on SP Radio: The Student Sustainable Farm

On the campus of the University of Illinois, nestled in between all the ag research fields is the Student Sustainable Farm. The SSF serves as a production farm to supply U of I residence halls with locally grown, low-input, sustainable food. More importantly, the farm seeks to act as a living laboratory to connect students and community members to locally produced, small-scale growing operations. Zach Grant, Manager of the SSF, will be in the studio to talk about the ongoing project. We’ll talk to him about the importance of the farm as part of the overall movement in agriculture at the University. We’ll also find out where and how you can actually purchase food grown on the farm.

Smile Politely Radio airs each Friday evening at 5:30 on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, and is available as a podcast the following week.

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