Smile Politely

Today on SP Radio: Shatterglass Studios

Today on Smile Politely Radio, we are joined by Luke Boyce, co-owner and creative director for Shatterglass Studios and co-founder of the CU Film Society. We will talk to Luke about the Shatterglass Studio’s origins, how they have grown in the first couple years, and why the studio operates in Champaign-Urbana. Plus, we ask Luke about what drew him into the industry and see if we can tease out some of his favorite films.

Shatterglass was recently awarded the Champaign Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year Award.

We will also have our latest Science Politely segment.

Smile Politely Radio airs each Friday evening at 5:30 on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, and is available as a podcast the following week.

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