Smile Politely

Today is National Rescue Dog Day, so here are some adoptable doggos

Honestly, I do not know who decides these national days of recognition. Some are ridiculous — May 22nd is National Vanilla Pudding Day, for example — but today’s National Rescue Dog Day is something I can get on board with. We adopted our doggo a year and half ago, and it’s hard to imagine life without him. Is it harder to get a puppy when you adopt? Sure. Is there a chance you’re going to bring a dog with some issues into your home? Possibly. But there are so many positives to adopting, with the most important being the fact that you’re welcoming a creature in need of love into your home and your family.

We are fortunate to have the Champaign County Humane Society right here in our community. Here are a few more of the doggo friends who are there, waiting for a home:

Check out their procedure and policies for adoption here

Photos from CCHS Facebook page. 

Staff writer

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