Smile Politely

The weather outside is…fine, actually…maybe go on a hike?

The Unreliable Bestiary:BEAR is a three-fold venture: Fall (closed), Winter (in progress) and Spring (to come). Much like the winter weather, the Winter installment has been slow to arrive but I am pleased to announce the first video! Five more will follow before the Spring performance in February at the Station Theatre. 

Watching the video will give you instructions to follow for the first adventure in the “AMK Corridor” (that’s Allerton-Meadowbrook-Kickapoo). You should locate your field guide (or download one and print it full-scale, landscape), take a pencil, and venture out into the wilds to take notes, observe and possibly create some art. 

Heck, everyone needs to get out of the house a little around the holidays. Maybe the family could even do it together. 

Bring back the bears. 

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