Smile Politely

The Upper Bout celebrating one year anniversary Saturday, January 17th

The Upper Bout will be celebrating turning one year old this weekend. Check out the Facebook event (and information below from that listing), as well as Chris Davies’ piece on the store last year.

Congrats on one year to Ricky Bright and the whole crew at the Upper Bout.

And since we gave away a guitar on our first day, let’s celebrate by GIVING AWAY A GUITAR!

That’s right! We will be giving away a 2015 Gibson Les Paul Junior this Saturday at 5:00 PM!

Here’s how to win:
-Stop by The Upper Bout on Saturday, January 17th
-Fill out an entry form
-Be present at the 5:00 PM drawing

We will select one lucky winner from our entries. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!


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