Smile Politely

The steak-n-chz grinders at Jupiter’s are really, really good

Jupiter’s Pizza is known for, well, pizza and billiards, and as the first “new” bar to open in Downtown Champaign for a long while, back in 1997. It’s a place that has true regulars; it’s simple and no-frills for the most part. I like it. 

I’ve never been a huge fan of the grinders, though, but mainly because I just don’t like hot sandwiches as much as cold ones when they are served like “heroes” or “subs”. 

Today, however, I gave the Steak-N-Chz special a shot, at the recommendation of my server, which is only available on Mondays (and Sundays, depending on who you ask inside the bar, where I currently type). It’s nothing that they really promo anywhere, from what I can tell. 

But I can state with certainty that it’s a killer mofo sandwich. Like, big portions of steak and melted mozzarella, and served with a mild au jus and chips for $6.95. 

It’s for real. Look at this picture, dammnit.

It’s super tasty. That steak is like flank steak, but probably not, but it’s been cooked long enough that it doesn’t matter. It’s tender and delicious and I want another one. My wife is out of town. I can have another one. I can do anything I want when my wife is out of town, dammnit. 

I am gonna get another one. 

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