Smile Politely

The pleasures of an early show at PygFest

Ever since the outdoor shows began at Pygmalion, I have been one of those people who is there early and stays late. No, not because I love outdoor shows, but because I am the picture of a frugal Midwesterner and I am going to get my money’s worth, come hell or highwater. And every year, I have seen some amazing acts early in the afternoon, and been truly amazed that almost no-one else was there.

I have to say, C-U, you are missing out. 

I have seen some truly awesome sets before the rest of the crowd showed up. Remember when the power went out and Little Green Cars came down off the stage and sang acapella until things got sorted? How about that time Modern Kin just freaking shredded for the 25 of us that were awake? Or Ex Hex — how is it possible that only a handful of people showed up for legendary Mary Timony? If you weren’t there, you should be kicking yourself. 

Do yourselves a favor, PygFesters, get there early tomorrow. There are some truly quality bands who deserve a great audience. Party late tonight, set an alarm for tomorrow, and manage to find pants before noon. Flying Machine will be there to help you out, and you will get to hear some great sets.

Photo of the cool kids listening to Sarah Jaffe taken by David Bellmore. 

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