The Idea Store reminds us we why love them. If you want to continue to support them, check out their online store. They are also taking donations through appointments.
Dear friends,
You may have noticed our silence the last few months. Like many of you, we’ve been grieving and angry over the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Richie Turner, Kiwane Carrington, and hundreds of other Black people with dreams, ideas, and people who loved them.
In breaking this silence, we hope that anyone and everyone hears us when we say, from the top of our lungs, ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. Every single one.
There is no statement sufficient to stand in opposition to 400 years of systemic racism.
When we say Black Lives Matter, what you really deserve to know is:
What are we going to do moving forward?
To begin, we would like to offer supplies to any Black-led organization in the community for free. Do you need poster boards, paper for flyers, fabric, crayons, markers, chalk? Message us and let us know. We’ll do our best to supply you.
We are committed to making a sustained effort toward anti-racism here at the Idea Store, and committed to educating ourselves, listening to Black voices, acting accordingly, and being accountable for our actions.
Black Artists Matter. Black Environmentalists Matter. Black Teachers Matter. Black Ideas Matter. Black Lives Matter.
Love and solidarity,
The Idea Store
Photo by Julie McClure.