Smile Politely

The Dietary Food Store is closed indefinitely

By the looks of it — these signs posted on the door — the Dietary Food Store is closed indefinitely. Sadly, Winifred Sanders, the owner (in her 90s), had a fall. Hoping she has a speedy recovery, no doubt.

The Dietary Food Store is located at 802 W. John Street, and if you’re unfamiliar, do yourself a favor and check out J. Matthis Helmick’s piece on Winifred Sanders and the shop to catch up.

The text might be a little hard to read by the photo, so here is what it says:

Note to Friends

Winifred Sanders had a fall. She is recovering. Please send any notes or cards to her at:

Winifred Sanders
C/o Jack Andersen
P.O. Box 6241
Champaign, IL 61826

(Please include your phone number or address so she can get back to you when she is able.)

H/t John Steinbacher.

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