This will be an opportunity for incoming students to combine various disciplines across the college into a single program. The degree will incorporate the design, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban and regional planning. According to the website, the program will “focus on building sustainable communities through intentional design of environmentally sensitive products, buildings, landscapes, and cities.”
This degree option will be available for transfer students in the fall of 2020, and incoming freshman for the fall of 2021. You can read more about all that it entails as well as how it translates into future careers here.
Image: A poster with a white background. It says “new degree” in small orange letters and “Sustainble Design” in larger black letters. At the top left are five small photos of a birds eye view of land and ocean, a plant, rows of plastic bottles seen from above, a box containing a set of pink headphones, and the inside of a large room with a glass ceiling that is filled with vegetation. Image from College of Fine + Applied Arts Facebook page.