Smile Politely

The candyman cometh… prepare…preeeepaarrrrrrrre

Theatre-inclined young people: 

Audition sign-ups are now open for Urbana Park District’s production of Willy Wonka. And despite the fact that it is more than a month away, people are already grabbing their times, so go get a parent to sign you up.  

Speaking of parents: the auditions are on Mother’s Day weekend. So, go kiss your mom, tell her it won’t interfere, get really nervous, spend the next month singing in your bedroom with the door closed, tell everybody you’re not nervous because you’ve been acting since you were 6, go to the Phillips Recreation Center on Friday May 6th or Saturday May 7th, get really really nervous, sing down the house even though you’re nervous, then be worry-free* and relieved* and relaxed* while you make her breakfast in bed because you love her and she is the mom of a theatre-kid so she deserves it.

For those of you who are differently-parented, do all the same things anyway, because whoever’s raising you deserves it. 

*no, don’t spend Sunday analyzing your audition and those of everyone you saw there and obsessively checking to make sure the cast list hasn’t been posted yet. It’s not posted yet, it’s Mother’s Day and Sunday, nobody’s working. 

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