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The annual count of homeless individuals in Champaign County happens this week

On Thursday, January 28th, the Champaign County Continuum of Services Providers to the Homeless (CSPH) will do a point-in-time survey to determine the number of homeless individuals in Champaign County.

There are 30 volunteers, who will be following all public health guidelines, that will be going into the community to find individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and gather information to assess needs. They will also distribute masks.

From the press release:

Congress utilizes the data collected from the Point-in-Time count to track the needs of people experiencing homelessness and to determine federal funding allocations for programs serving people experiencing homelessness. The Point-in-Time counts both sheltered (residing in emergency or transitional housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness) and unsheltered (living in spaces not meant for human habitation, such as cars or on the street) people. In 2020, 140 homeless individuals (128 sheltered in emergency shelter or transitional housing and 12 unsheltered) were identified in Champaign County.

Top photo from Champaign County Regional Planning Commission website.

Staff writer

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