The University of Illinois School of Social Work is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and they are hosting a monthly Social Justice Film Series in honor of that milestone. This month the featured film is Crazywise. The film “follows two young Americans diagnosed with ‘mental illness.’ Adam, 27, suffers devastating side effects from medications before embracing meditation in hopes of recovery. Ekhaya, 32, survives childhood molestation and several suicide attempts before spiritual training to become a traditional South African healer gives her suffering meaning and brings a deeper purpose to her life.”
The film will be shown over successive noon hours from February 17-20 in the student lounge at the School of Social Work, with discussion facilitated by Professor Shanondora Billiot. The film series is free to attend and open to all.
Follow the School of Social Work on Facebook for announcements about future films.
Top image: A poster with a white background. In dark blue letters the text reads: Social Justice Film Series. Image from School of Social Work Facebook page.