Smile Politely

Support Food For All at Common Ground’s Plant Sale

Earlier this week I was at a local downtown restaurant for lunch and was having trouble deciding which turkey sandwich I should get and whether or not I wanted pickled vegetables before my meal came out. It was a nice luxury to have and I opted for the veggies. When my lunch arrived it I mentioned to my buddy, “You sure don’t get cheated on your fries here.” The pile of fries was savage. An absolute mountain of crispy potatoes. Heaven, basically.

I didn’t even come close to finishing them.

The fries were taken away with the leftover scraps of food by the server and that was that. The end of a meal. I didn’t think twice about the result, other than the fact that I was full and pretty content. A nap would’ve been good, I suppose.

Then today came, and I noticed that Common Ground Food Co-op was planning on having their annual Plant Sale on Saturday. It wasn’t the connection with food that made me think about my wasteful lunch, though, it was the fact that the sale’s proceeds go towards CGFC’s Food For All program.

It reminded me that I’m pretty fortunate that I’m not only able to pay for a meal at my leisure, but that throwing away a pile of french fries doesn’t make me think twice. It’s a luxury that many of us have, but many don’t. CGFC’s Food For All program helps shoppers put together meals that would cost a maximum of $2 per serving, teach cooking classes, and set up grants for low income residents and students. It’s a noble cause and something that even the most luxurious of eaters can probably learn a thing or two from.

Again, it’s a cause you can support on Saturday at CGFC’s Plant Sale. Last year they raised $2,841 and this year they’re looking to crack the $3,000 mark by selling heirloom tomatoes, pepper plants, and other assorted herbs and veggies. It opens at 7 a.m. and plants will go quickly.

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