Smile Politely

SODO Information Party

When: Saturday, Feb. 5th
Where: Indi Go Artist Co-Op

There’s a movement a-stir and we want you to be a part: it’s SODO, South Downtown Arts District.

What we are not: Another nonprofit, an organization collecting dues, officially sanctioned, closed, or in competition with other programs in town.

What we are: A bohemian, grassroots, indi drive to explode art in the community. The main component of this idea is to increase the aesthetics of the area to draw more economic development and appeal; any methods to do so will be entertained.

Anyone is welcome to attend to know what’s going on. No commitment necessary, but involvement is appreciated.

There will also be a viewing of Exit Through the Gift Shop afterward at Class Act!

We’re not a “sitting and discussing” group. SODO is already happening. Businesses in the area already working towards this mission include, but are not limited to, Class Act, Old Vic Art Gallery, The I.D.E.A. Store, and Indi Go.

For more information

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