Smile Politely

Smile Politely seeking Multimedia Content Editor

Smile Politely is looking for those interested in photography and videography to join our team as the Multimedia Content Editor for the magazine. The ideal candidate will not merely be passionate about these things, but more importantly, have a strong interest in engaging with the community via the magazine, producing hyper-local content, and more.

We’re interested in bringing on someone to do the following:

  • Create photo and video content for our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc)
  • Shoot and edit video content pitched from Editors to accompany articles or stand alone as engaging features
  • Contribute to the SPlog and Weekender each week alongside other Editors

The position is paid, and it is only considered part time — the hourly expectation per week is roughly 5-10 hours, though it varies.

If you’re interested, please send us an email at with the subject “Multimedia Content Editor”, and we’ll get back to you.

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