Smile Politely

Sigma Chi flaunts sexist signage

As if news surrounding the University of Illinois couldn’t get worse, today, Jezebel broke a story about “Derby Days,” a large-scale philanthropical effort fronted by Sigma Chi fraternities all over the country. As it turns out, the event is perhaps not as philanthropical as one might think – but all of that legwork is revealed in the original article. It just so happens, however, that the U of I’s edition of “Derby Days” (whose signs can be seen in the photo above) was brought to Jezebel’s attention first, prompting a larger investigation.

No, this isn’t just confined to Illinois, but once again, we’re plastered on a publication for the stupidity and shortsidedness of a fraternity. Who could forget Delta Chi’s incredibly insensitive depiction of a native american cutting a gopher or the same fraternity’s hanging of a Confederate flag in the window?

On a side note, how the hell did the Sigma Chi bretheren think they could blatantly display something so offensive to so many and not get called out for it? I know those entry level business classes and “executive board” meetings are hard, but they can’t possibly fry the brain to a point where it would actually think this is a good idea. Come on, guys. We’re better than this.

(Photo by

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