Smile Politely

Rodney Davis pulls support from presidential nominee Donald Trump

In August, I wrote about how our Rep. Rodney Davis had accepted a position on Donald Trump’s campaign as an advisor, showing that he was committed to the truly vile and hateful campaign that Donald Trump has run thus far.

Apparently, however, the latest leak from The Washington Post has gone too far for our Rodney, causing him to pull his support, like many others have, from the vicious Republican nominee.

I’m not sure why it took these secret tapes to cause this moral turnaround, instead of his comments about banning all Muslims, labeling all Mexican immigrants as criminals, or his mocking of a physically handicapped reporter, all of which happened before Rep. Davis pulled his support. What I am sure of, however, is that I am much more proud to have a politician represent me (and the rest of central Illinois) who can recognize a demagogue than not, so better late than never, Rod.

Make no mistake about it, Rodney Davis is still a nut job, but at least now he’s a nut job who’s not supporting Donald Trump. He did, however, endorse Mike Pence, who by all accounts still doesn’t support LGBT rights and Social Security, because he’s pretty batshit crazy too – but it’s about baby steps, I guess. I’ll take what I can get.

Read Rep. Davis’ full statement below:

“As parents of a teenage daughter and teen twin boys, my wife and I teach them to respect women and that they will be judged by their words and actions.

The abhorrent comments made by Donald Trump are inexcusable and go directly against what I’ve been doing in Washington to combat assaults on college campuses. Because of this, I am rescinding my support for Donald Trump and asking to have my name removed from his agriculture advisory committee. With the terrible options America has right now, I cannot cast my vote for any of the candidates, so I hope Donald Trump withdraws from the race so the American people can elect Mike Pence as our next president.”

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