Smile Politely

Rodney Davis can’t criticize President Trump, and that’s sad

It’s been a week since we’ve heard from Rodney Davis after his open office hours, and my what a week it’s been.

We have a President on the brink of a scandal, an ousted FBI Director who is accusing him of trying to intervene in an ongoing investigation, and throughout the whole thing, no one from the administration can seem to get their story straight. 

Have no fear, citizens of IL-13 – Rod is here and he’s doing exactly what you’d expect him to: not criticizing our President, and being as partisan as he possibly can.

In a prepared statement on “The Comey Memo,” Davis calls for former-FBI Director James Comey to release his memos in question and to testify in front of Congress. That’s not the irrational part, though. Here’s a paragraph from Rodney’s prepared statement:

“You have Democrats on the House floor calling for the impeachment of a U.S. President based on a memo no one has even seen or saying they’ll fight every day until he’s impeached. Democratic lawmakers and the media need to stop with the rhetoric and hyperbole so our committees can gather the facts and make their recommendations.”

To compare, here’s a statement from Republican Adam Kinzinger, who represents IL-16, north of Champaign County, via The News-Gazette:

Kinzinger, whose district includes Ford and Iroquois counties and other areas north of Champaign-Urbana, told CNN today that Comey’s alleged memo regarding Trump’s private remarks about dropping an FBI investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn “is very concerning.”

“The American people deserve answers,” said Kinzinger, a Republican from Channahon. “But I think it’s time that we look at the idea of, whether it’s an independent commission or a special prosecutor .. that we do whatever is necessary.”

So if anyone was wondering where Rod’s priorities lie, they are safely with the Reality-TV-Star-In-Chief who had stumbled his way into running the United States. He can’t muster one criticism. Not one!

Instead, he feels it necessary to go out of his way to attack Democrats for a scandal they had nothing to do with, and the media, who are simply vetting and reporting what is revealed to them.

Rod also throws in a great nugget at the beginning implying that Comey’s memo is fabricated, or may not exist.

…except for this tidbit, taken from The New York Times:

An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

It’s also important to note that James Comey is not just some FBI agent – he was, at the time, the Director of the FBI. Is it possible that he’s making the whole thing up to sink the Trump campaign? Maybe, but that is a lot closer to a conspiracy theory than it is to what appeared to have happened here.

For Rod to not acknowledge the flippant and damaging nature of the President’s handling of this situation, on the surface, is nothing more than the partisan pandering we’ve come to adore from Davis. Deeper down, however, it shows that Rep. Davis is more concerned with his own party than the well-being of his own country. That, my friends, is one of the most troublesome qualities for a politician to possess.

We’ll see you in 2018, Rodney. Don’t wait too long to leave the sinking ship!

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