Smile Politely

Public input on highspeed internet access sought

We would like to invite you to meetings held at the Champaign Public Library to gather your ideas about a Round 2 proposal to the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP). The BTOP is a competition for federal stimulus funding to support high-speed Internet in our communities.


Monday, February 22, 5:30-7pm
Saturday, March 6, 10:30-noon

WHERE: Champaign Public Library, 200 West Green St. Champaign
Robeson Pavilion Room C

WHO: Open to the public…please pass the word.

As you may know, the infrastructure proposal for Champaign-Urbana submitted during Round 1 is under consideration now, generating media coverage. We are interested in your thoughts regarding public computing and sustainable adoption in C-U. The public computing proposal from round 1 was rejected, and we are revising and resubmitting. The sustainable adoption–which means building usage of the Internet and its applications–is still pending a thumbs-up or -down.

The deadline for Round 2 submissions is March 15, so time is really short!

“We” at this point is a consortium of people from the cities of Urbana and Champaign and the Broadband Access Committee, from Parkland College, and from the University of Illinois.

QUESTIONS? Contact Sharon Irish, slirish at AND/OR


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