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Please take the Flatlander Fund survey!

The Flatlander Fund, a new non-profit organization founded in 2010 following the death of local chocolate maker Daniel Schreiber, is seeking the community’s input on their plan to create a commercial, shared-use kitchen and business incubator. The Flatlander Community Kitchen will give emerging and existing food-based entrepreneurs space and opportunities to expand their business or to start new ones.

The Fund is conducting an online e-survey to gauge interest from potential users and get a sense of the community’s desires and support for this project.

The survey can be found at: or the organization’s website:, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey, which is anonymous, will remain open through Sunday, February 13.

The kitchen is planned to be a shared space with a certified kitchen available to community members interested in cultivating small food-based businesses (think bakers and caterers) and teaching others about nutrition, cooking, and healthy eating. The goal is more locally-produced goods available at the Farmers Market, area stores, and restaurants – which means making good food more available, creating jobs in our community, and keeping our dollars circulating closer to home.

For more information about the Flatlander Fund or the e-survey, email More details on the Flatlander Fund and a direct link to the survey can be found at

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