Smile Politely

Please be nice to, and stay away from, this bear traveling through Illinois if you see it

Though this isn’t exactly a hyper-local story to Champaign County, there’s a black bear that’s traveling through the state, and Illinois Department of Natural Resources is asking that you be nice to the bear if you spot it.

Officials have stated the bear was seen just a few days ago on June 21st “headed south toward Stronghurst in southern Henderson County.” If you’re like me, you don’t know where Stronghurst is located. Here it is on the map. While there’s no indication it is close to Champaign County, I felt that bear news was good news to share.

Apparently, a group of 300 people were harrassing the bear — which is quite literally the least cool thing in the world to do. This caused IDNR to remind people to not fuck with the nice bear. It wasn’t doing anything, and yet, all of the issues were caused by people fucking with it. Just mind your own business, and let the bear live its life already. 

Here’s IDNR’s Facebook post about it:

Top image from IDNR’s Facebook post.

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