Smile Politely

Playing for Food: Eastern Illinois Food Bank Benefit

The Bow­Dacious String Band, C4A’s youth fiddle band, is chipping in to help the Eastern Illinois Food Bank get a strong start to the summer with a benefit event on Sunday, May 22. The kids in the band will be playing out of doors at the corner of Church and Neil Streets in Champaign, starting at 4 p.m. Starting at 4:30 p.m. and going until 6 p.m. there will be a community dance event at the Hyatt Place ballroom at 217 North Neil St. The event is open to the public; the price of admission is canned food or a cash donation for the food bank.

There will be live music by the Bow­Dacious String Band with help from alums, C4A faculty, and community friends.

Everyone is invited, and you don’t need experience dancing to enjoy this event because the very friendly and inclusive Neal Schlein will be on hand to teach everyone how the dances go.

The event is co­hosted the Community Center for the Arts (C4A) and Hyatt Place, with help from lots of musicians and volunteers. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Eastern Illinois Food Bank.

For updates, please visit our FaceBook event page.

Website: www.c­

Email: info@c­

Phone: 217.384.5150

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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