Smile Politely

Parkland will be hosting a Human Library event on April 5th

This will be the first time an event of this sort will happen at Parkland, though it’s not the only time it’s happened in C-U, as it’s been a part of Pygmalion for a bit. But the more the better, I say. From the press release:

As part of the Human Library™, a worldwide movement for social change, the Parkland College event will allow readers to ‘borrow’ real people, referred to as ‘books’, for 20-minute chats about their lives. The real stories of these human books are meant to challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue, according to the website.

Hooray for any opportunity to hear from real people about real issues. 

Parkland’s Human Library will be April 5th from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Student Union. If you’re nterested in “checking out” some “books” then just email with the subject line: Human Library. Then you will receive a link to register and choose your books.

Staff writer

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