Smile Politely

Outhaus brings in family of artists

This Saturday, the Outhaus  in Urbana will be hosting a family affair: Don’t Touch Me I Have Medicine. The children of Assisstant Professor of Art Education, Jorge Lucero, will be participating in a group show from 5-8 p.m. which is co-sponsored by the Art Education Department of the University of Illinois. 

Outhaus gallery owner, Bert Stabler, says although the opening is not affiliated with ICQI, the timing is intentional, as “one element of an event focused on art educators attending ICQI, but it is also open to the public.” He also mentions that this is the second year in a row that the Outhaus has hosted an event during this conference, which you might remember

This year’s event will be very similar, with a diverse audience of local artists and art-enthusiasts rubbing elbows with scholars from all around the world. Delicious Mediterranean food will be provided, and there will be musical performances by Sam Rocha and Walter Gershon.

Of course, the projects on display will be very different, and feature the works of Lucia, Mateo, Lucas, and Jorge Lucero, Jr. Their professor father remarks, “All of my kids have been immersed in the arts from a very young age–mostly through exposure (less through formal instruction)– and they’re showing some of their recent work…on the stage with the ‘big kids’…thanks to the generous opportunity provided by the Outhaus.” He continues, mentioning that since the work isn’t intended for sale, “That’s what is so special about the Outhaus and Bert and Katie in particular…It’s not a gallery that works like that. At the same time, my kids like money so if someone were to offer them the right amount, they’d be willing to part with almost anything.”

Stabler agrees, saying that “his kids make really beautiful work, so who knows? But there’s no financial component envisioned to this project.” And the facebook event describes the exhibition as “a cultural extravaganza spotlighting the inventive, fantastic, and mysterious artifacts” of the Lucero children. 

The Outhaus is located at 709 E. Sunnycrest Ave. in Urbana, and the event will run from 5-8 p.m. on Saturday, May 21st. 

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