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Nominate someone for the Sistering CU Nurturing Mothers Award

Who do you know that has made a special impact by supporting new mothers in the postpartum months in Champaign-Urbana? Sistering CU, an organization that provides postpartum support for new mothers and their families, wants to recognize the amazing people who are nurturing moms in the transition to motherhood. You can nominate those healthcare providers, family members, friends, or anyone who has made a significant contribution in this way through April 15th. 

Sistering CU will recognize the awardees at their event on May 19th at 6 p.m. at the Champaign Public Library, “What Would Happen if We Nurtured Mothers?”

You can read more about the work of Sistering CU here.

Image from Sistering CU Facebook page.

Staff writer

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