Smile Politely

Maybe don’t have an unofficial prom during a pandemic

As reported in The News-Gazette yesterday, Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department is asking people who attended an “unofficial prom” at a house in Mahomet on June 13th to get tested for COVID-19. This “unofficial prom” was not a Mahomet-Seymour school district sanctioned event (obviously).

Ten people who allegedly attended this event have tested positive for the virus. And despite that, CUPHD “hasn’t been able to obtain a list of those who attended the party.”

Excuse me, what?

Apparently snitches get stitches in Mahomet, too.

Everything is difficult and yes, it sucks to miss graduation and prom and all sorts of milestones, but, ahem, pardon my yelling: YOU HAVE YOUR LIFE. Missing prom isn’t going to ruin it.

You know whose life might be ruined? The people who are working in the grocery store, or the restaurant, or your hair stylist, or the nurse or doctor, or the pharmacist, or the firefighter who tested positive and now 12 more firefighters in Champaign who are in quarantine. How about the people who are trapped in a fire or lose every single thing they own because a different fire station, further away, had to respond to a fire because the closest one is understaffed? What about all the people you infect when you go to your job, which as a high school student could possibly be making food for other people?

Our communities are connected. I don’t want to hear about how you’re bored and how your kids are missing out on the best years of their lives. (If high school years are the best of your life, you need to challenge yourself). You’re selfish.

Press release stating that 12 firefighters in Champaign are quarantined for 14 days because of COVID-19. From the City of Champaign.Image from the City of Champaign.

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