Smile Politely

Listen to C-U writers in Pandemics as a Portal to Change

Pandemics as a Portal to Change is a community exhibition currently on view at Krannert Art Museum that “explored our current struggles across a range of topics such as health and mental health, the environment, racial justice, and community-building.” Local authors will read their poetry and creative writing and speak to their writing processes and inspiration sources.

This virtual event is Wednesday, August 18th at 7 p.m.; you can register for free online.

There are over 75 local artists participating in the exhibtion, including Smile Politely’s Arts Editor Debra Domal. Check out the work in the video below.

The exhibition is “presented in partnership with the Urbana Free Library and Krannert Art Museum; Pandemics as a Portal to Change is co-sponsored by Krannert Art Museum, Museum of the Grand Prairie, Urbana Arts and Culture Program, The Urbana Free Library, College of Fine and Applied Arts at Illinois, and Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. Supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council.”

Top image screenshot from the Pandemics as a Portal to Change exhibition video.

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