Smile Politely

Lecture: “David Wojnarowicz: Queer in Normal”

Time: Friday, May 4, 12:45
Location: Champaign Country Club

You’ve, no doubt, heard of the Smithsonian’s censorship of David Wojnarowicz’s video A Fire in My Belly. But how many of us are familiar with Wojnarowicz’s work beyond this video?

Illinois State University’s Barry Blinderman hopes to distract us from the controversy and bring to us a “deeper appreciation” of Wojnarowicz’ oeuvre:

Media-driven controversies tend to proliferate oversimplified and misinformed responses by those standing on either side of the issue. One can only hope that the cascade of reactions to a knee-jerk assault on David Wojnarowicz’ video, A Fire in My Belly, in 2010, will eventually make way for a deeper appreciation of the rich body of work by this brilliant late-20th century artist, writer, and activist.

Blinderman is the director of University Galleries at ISU. His talk is free and open to the public. However, this lecture is part of the spring luncheon series that’s sponsored by the Krannert Art Museum Council. If you’d like to attend the lunch (which starts at noon), it is $25, and you’ll need to make reservations. For more information.

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