Smile Politely

It would be awesome if …

It would be awesome if WPGU would replace the version of Elvis Costello’s “(What’s So Funny ’bout) Peace Love and Understanding” that’s on its computer with one that didn’t skip. I’ve been listening to WPGU’s version that skips (one time) for the past three or so years, and I’ve heard it a lot over that time frame because for whatever reason it’s the one song from Costello’s back catalog that gets sprinkled into their regular rotation with frequency. It ticks me off, in part because it’s too good of a song to allow for a skip, and in part because they should probably have five or six other Costello songs sprinkled into their rotation, too. (In case you’re wondering, I’d go with “Watching the Detectives,” “Less Than Zero,” “This Year’s Girl,” “Lip Service,” “Oliver’s Army,” and “The Imposter.”)

Or, better yet, they could add a Nick Lowe rendition of the song instead. (Listen, below.) He wrote it, after all.

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