Smile Politely

Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre

Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre group will present a brand-new original play entitled Standing By: Violence and the Bystander Effect on April 10–13 at the Armory Free Theatre.

Inner Voices is a program co-sponsored by the Department of Theatre and the Counseling Center at the University of Illinois. Each semester, the acting ensemble, program coordinator Latrelle Bright, and instructor Mathew Green create a new theatre performance based on a different issue affecting the University’s students, the C-U community, and society at large.

This semester, the group tackles the Bystander Effect, a phenomenon by which individuals are reluctant to offer assistance to people when others are present. The result is a situation in which everyone assumes someone else will intervene, and no one does.

Performances are Tuesday, April 10 through Friday, April 13.

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