Smile Politely

Impress your friends by becoming the 1,000th entity to “like” SP

Let me be honest here for a moment: not everyone who “likes” us really likes us, and you may rightfully turn up your nose at the arbitrary nature of round numbers. But as of this writing, 997 people like our Facebook page (several of which aren’t even our family members!) and it’d sure be neat to push that total into four-digit territory. We’d love to bribe you with swag in order to motivate you to do so, but smug satisfaction will have to do, unfortunately. So, please, make our dreams come true.

And while you’re clicking on random shit on the internet, why not follow us on Twitter? We’re only three shy of the 1,400-follower mark there. I think we get to share a free bowl of soup once we crack that plateau. Grab a spoon!

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