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IL 13 District: Rodney Davis defeats Betsy Dirksen Londrigan

Incumbent Republican Representative Rodney Davis has defeated Betsy Dirksen Londrigan in the race for the 13th District Congressional seat. Though Londrigan hasn’t conceded, multiple sources have confirmed 100% of the votes are in — New York Times has the figures and results.

Last night, at some point after the polls were closed and votes were coming in, CNN issued a very premature victory for Londrigan. So, if you saw a victory for Betsy traveling across the internet, sadly that was a little too early to call anything. Davis won by a margin of roughly 3,700 votes. Londrigan tore it up in Champaign County, winning by nearly 23,000 votes.

Check the Midterm Election results article for the rest of the races that make sense for Champaign County, as well as some statewide elections.

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