Smile Politely

I hope you’re grateful for these six badass shows this weekend

By that, I mean there are a bunch of awesome shows happening this week, and this weekend is just jam packed with them. I know that we have a column called The Overture that outlines these, but I wanted to take a moment to appreciate these select few from the list because honestly, I am going to have a hard time getting to even half of them, but I’m going to do my best. I hope you appreciate what’s laid out here in and around C-U for live music options this weekend. This isn’t even supposed to be remotely comprehensive, I’m sure there are more worthy of your time, so don’t read too much into this please.

OK, so Friday. We’ve got two that are both worthy of attention.

Motes, Jupiter Styles, Palm Ghosts, Nectar

► Rose Bowl Tavern // $7-10 // 8:30 p.m.

Jupiter Styles is Sean Neumann’s project which is on tour in support of his new record Ultra St. Opera, which you can stream below. I interviewed Neumann last year, and you can read about him to catch up a bit. He’s joined by locals Motes and Nectar, both of which have really excellent catalogs you should check out. I’m going to do my best to hit this first, and then make my way over to the Rail for reasons you’ll read about below.

Withershins, Take Care, Vaudevileins, Sisser

► Brass Rail // $5-10 // 9 p.m.

The Rail hosting a show, love it. It is gonna be crammed in there but who cares. Withershins is performing a rare show, as Isaac Arms recently moved away, retiring Heirshop Records. Silver Cities is still one of the best local records to come out in the last decade, so stream that one below. This is a stacked bill, and you can easily hit this across town from Rose Bowl Tavern in the same night. Easy!

Saturday, Saturday. Where to begin?

Telekenetic Yeti, Sweet Cobra, Dibiase, Shazu, Edna

► Loose Cobra // $20 suggested donation // 7 p.m.

How about you make your way out to check out Oktstonerfest, which is the annual metal gathering at the honorable Loose Cobra. Sure, there’s no cover, but you can contribute some dough as you please, they are suggesting $20 so do with that information what you will.

Elsinore, Prevalence, Mermaid Heaven, Family of Geniuses

► The City Center // $12 // 7 p.m.

Elsinore is releasing their new record A Life In the 21st Century on Saturday, and that’s worthy of some pub in my estimation. They’ve been hard at work on it, and you can stream some of it below, and check out their recently released video while you’re at it. Not only that, but one of the best local acts I’ve heard in a while, Mermaid Heaven, is on support, as well as a couple of others worthy of attention as well. There are just too many bands in this one SPlog to talk about all of them, so these are my observations and highlights of such.

Peach Pit, Exokays

► Foellinger Auditorium // $12 students, $18 public // 7:30 p.m.

Maybe you’re looking to hop over to campus instead of doing Downtown Champaign or Tolono? Well, you’re in luck, because this show is at Foellinger, and just down the street, you can see another one at Canopy Club if that’s your cup of tea.

The Mighty Pines, Bones Jugs

► The Canopy Club // $10 // 9 p.m. 

The Mighty Pines are no stranger to C-U, playing here from time to time, and they are joined by the now-longtime-scene-veterans in Bones Jugs. 

Genuinely there’s probably more happening this weekend than you’re able to move your human form around to, but honestly, this is such a spectacular showcase of local music options this weekend that I could just burst. I hope you are grateful, not because I put these options in front of you, but a lot of folks worked hard to put these shows together for your enjoyment.

So, go enjoy them, won’t you? I know I will be.

Photo of Telekenetic Yeti from their Facebook page

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