Smile Politely

Team USA has “a helluva run!”

Well, it would appear that good old ‘merican work ethic wasn’t enough to get us past the elimination round, but if you’ve been following the World Cup, you know what an anomaly it is that we made it this far. But perhaps what’s more surprising to me is how many Champaign-Urbanians cared about our national team.

Bravo to those who have consistently made it out to the handful of local establishments (including The Esquire where I snapped this picture while tending bar for a room full of rowdy soccer fans) to see the USA’s efforts over the past few weeks. Your loyalty may have accommodated you to midday drinking, it may have destroyed your liver and various personal and professional relationships you once thought to be unshakable, but at least its also gotten you a Splog post. 












Rowdy fans agonizing over last minutes of Team USA’s loss today

Here’s to you, guy who stood up amidst a crowd of moping USA fans after the game and exclaimed (a little too loud even for a bar) in a drunken but eloquent bit of hooligan poetry: “Hey, don’t be sad, it was a helluva run!” 

A helluva run indeed.

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