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Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to visit U of I

From the press release:

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s visit to UIUC campus

Born in Chicago and raised in suburban Highland Park, Jill Stein is an organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She has led initiatives promoting healthy communities, local green economies and the revitalization of democracy – addressing issues such as campaign finance reform, green jobs, racially-just redistricting, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxics. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit.

Dr. Stein is the Green Party candidate for the Presidential election, a role she also took on four years ago. Her first foray into electoral politics was as the Green-Rainbow Party candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, in 2002. She was widely credited with being the best informed and most credible candidate in the race. She also ran for State Representative in 2004 and for Secretary of State in 2006, when she received the greatest vote total ever for a Green-Rainbow candidate.

Dr. Jill Stein will be speaking on Wednesday, March 2nd, 8 p.m., at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, 501 E. Daniel St. in Champaign. Dr. Stein’s visit is being coordinated and hosted by the national Green Party, Illinois Green Party, and the Prairie Green Party of Central Illinois. David Green, candidate for Illinois State Senate District 52, will also speak.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Bay of Prairie Greens at or 217-979-3123

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