Smile Politely

Don’t miss Krannert Art Museum’s fall opening night this Thursday

Over the summer, the Krannert Art Museum staff was hard at work installing a number of exciting new exhibitions and now it’s time for the official reveal. The opening night festivities include a welcome by KAM director Jon Seydl, remarks by Marci Uihlein and Sara Bartumeus Ferre, Illinois School of Architecture faculty members and curators of “Revealing Presence: Women in Architecture at the University of Illinois.”

special welcome at 6:15 by Museum Director Jon Seydl, and Marci Uihlein and Sara Bartumeus Ferre, faculty in the Illinois School of Architecture and curators of “Revealing Presence: Women in Architecture at the University of Illinois.”

And while you’re there, make your way through the “Art Since 1948” and “All this Beauty and Color: Highlights of the WPA,” exhibitions and explore the reinstalled European and American art collections in the Bow and Trees Galleries.

Refreshments and cash bar will be available in the Link Gallery by Michaels’ Catering.

Krannert Art Museum
Fall Opening Night Reception
500 E Peabody Dr, Champaign
September 26th, 6 to 8 p.m.
Find out more here

Photo from KAM Facebook event page

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