This week is International Dark Sky Week, which calls attention to the effects of light pollution. We just happen to have Illinois’ only Dark Sky Park just a ways down the road at Middle Fork River Forest Preserve. You can read more about what that means here.
While the forest preserve doesn’t have anything planned this week, they have a Discover the Night Sky event happening on April 13th. From the Facebook event:
Learn about the night sky & lighting pollution, participate in hands-on activities, create & take home special crafts, speak with astronomy experts from William M. Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College, and peer through a few telescopes!
The event is from 7:30 to 10 p.m., it’s free, and no registration is needed. Just drop in whenever! Kids are welcome, they just need to be accompanied by an adult.
Photo from Champaign County Forest Preserve District